A suggested donation is $25 per student. This money helps with many events at our school.  Consider donating to help Westmoor thrive!



* For paying PTO families only

With the app you can:
- Submit an absent notice
- Access our family directory

Keep up to date on what's happening!


Thanks for being visitor:
since 03/15/2017

Contact The Westmoor PTO
Be sure to contact us with any comments, questions or suggestions you may have.  (* denotes required information)
First Name
Last name
Email Address*
Contact Phone
 -   - 
Feedback *

Please enter the text you see in the image above:



8/30: Early Dismissal at 12pm (no lunch)!

9/2: No School - Labor Day

9/3 to 9/13: Spirit Wear sale. The sale will ONLY be open during this time - DON'T FORGET TO ORDER!

9/13: Birthday sign orders are due!