A suggested donation is $25 per student. This money helps with many events at our school.  Consider donating to help Westmoor thrive!



* For paying PTO families only

With the app you can:
- Submit an absent notice
- Access our family directory

Keep up to date on what's happening!


Thanks for being visitor:
since 03/15/2017

Spirit wear ordering will be open all year long.  Please click here to order. Get your gear for Spirit Wear Fridays before it’s too late! 

Click on the "For Sale" Menu Link to check out all of the Spirit Wear Options TODAY!  Our Fall sale will be from September 3rd - September 16th!  We will have a Winter sale later in the year!


 1/23: Westmoor's very 1st BINGO NIGHT! Join us in the small gym from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Please register online. $10 per Family!!!

Purchase a cupcake for a lunchtime treat. Cupcakes are served on 2/12! You must purchse by 2/3 - midnight. Don't forget to give a cupcake to a staff member too!  All cupcakes are $5!

2/12 and 2/13: We will have our winter book fair!  Join us online or in person for some amazing books!

2/12 and 2/13: Parent/Teacher Conferences! Sign-up soon!

2/14 and 2/17:No School!

2/28: Westmoor Science Fair - more info. coming soon!