A suggested donation is $25 per student. This money helps with many events at our school.  Consider donating to help Westmoor thrive!



* For paying PTO families only

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since 03/15/2017

Westmoor PTO Meeting Minutes

Access prior PTO meeting minutes here.

Document Date Posted


 1/23: Westmoor's very 1st BINGO NIGHT! Join us in the small gym from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Please register online. $10 per Family!!!

Purchase a cupcake for a lunchtime treat. Cupcakes are served on 2/12! You must purchse by 2/3 - midnight. Don't forget to give a cupcake to a staff member too!  All cupcakes are $5!

2/12 and 2/13: We will have our winter book fair!  Join us online or in person for some amazing books!

2/12 and 2/13: Parent/Teacher Conferences! Sign-up soon!

2/14 and 2/17:No School!

2/28: Westmoor Science Fair - more info. coming soon!